Startup Weekend DC 10: Wow.

I'm at Startup Weekend DC 10. The goal is to, in one weekend, pitch, plan, and develop a startup company. I pitched our shopping app idea, people were interested, and we've formed a team around it.

I am blown away by the commitment and skills of my team members. It's 1AM and the two developers are still going strong. The front-end developer has never written an iPhone app, or used Titanium Appcelerator before, but he's gamely jumping into coding. The backend developer is working on a database structure. The marketing person came up with a tagline and customized an icon for our logo. The business development person has come up with good product name ideas.

We've already selected a name for the app, iSpeedShop; designed a logo; reserved a domain name; and come up with a short description and a tagline.

Of course, this being a startup, not everything went so smoothly. There were a couple people who left the team early on. And there was a person who joined the team -- merging the idea she pitched with mine -- but then when we went from the main site to a hotel lobby to work more, she was supposed to drive and meet us there. But then she texted to say she couldn't find a parking spot and said she was quitting the weekend. That was a surprise.

Thanks again to Startup Weekend for putting on this awesome event!
